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ANF on research data management – 6th to 9th of July 2016 / PARIS (historical BiblioPlanets)

“Participate in the organization of research data handling : management of data content and documentation”

This ANF (National Training Action) organized by the Renatis network in collaboration with the DIST-CNRS, Inist-CNRS, URFIST, RIATE and IRSTEA will take place from the 6th to the 8th of July 2016 in Paris in the premises of the Université Paris Diderot.

It continues on from the FRéDoc 2013 days devoted to the “management and valorization of research data” and is complementary to the conference proposed by the RBDD network in 2015 “drive and construct a plan of data management : from the database to perennation”.

At the international level, public institutional research funding bodies increasingly make reference to the sharing of data etc. or make it a condition for funding to be granted in the framework of the Open Science movement. In this context, the researchers are strongly incited to carry out plans for data management, required increasingly as one of the essential criteria in answers to calls to tender and required as a deliverable in full for projects carried out in the framework of the European Horizon 2020 programme. To accompany this in depth movement, which has developed considerably in the last few years, and to respond to the researchers’ needs, STI professionals must be able to react.

STI professionals play key roles alongside researchers in the response to the call to tender and in the management of the specific contents of the research. The training course that is proposed to you has as its aim to supply pedagogical elements to the STI professionals to alert researchers to the importance of managing data and their life-cycle. The main aim is to supply the tools necessary to accompany the researcher in the construction of a Data Management Plan (DMP).

The major axes of the programme are the following:

Axis 1: To understand the stakes and expectations of a data management plan and define the finalities in the frame of the H2020 and international reglementary context.

Axis 2: To identify the people involved, the data, means at short-, medium- or long-term, to put in place with the researchers. To plan data management.

Axis 3: To put in place the data management plan in function of their life cycle.

Axis 4: The creation of a data management plan – put it into practice from one or several concrete cases.

The programme will be organized in three major parts : a first part will introduce the question and will place a common base of knowledge formalized through the answers to a quiz, theoretical interventions will then deal more specifically with certain subjects (legal aspects, standards and metadata, sharing and archiving of the data etc.) and lastly practical workshops will allow the participants to become used to the practice of a DMP.

To sign up, before the 9th of May 2016 we invite you to fill in and send back the form available here.

The means of registration and participation are detailed in the form.


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