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New! How should I adjust the settings on Pubmed so that articles available via BibCnrs INSHS are flagged up?

Internationally, certain disciplines (such as psychology for example) are considered to be at the border between biology and the Humanities and Social Sciences. To respond to the demand of some of our users, access to articles in these disciplines is now operational with Pubmed.

  • From PUBMED

To access full text versions of articles on Pubmed which are accessible via BibCnrs, you just need to adjust the settings of your Pubmed personal account. You will then instantly see the BibCnrs INSHS logo in the results list next to articles available in full text.

In your NCBI personal account, “My NCBI”, please click on “Manage filters” then find the term bibcnrs in the linkOut category. Please activate the icon and the filter of your disciplinary field INSHS.

Please access our short tutorial: How to adjust the settings on Pubmed so that articles available via BibCnrs are flagged up?


  • From BibCnrs

Click on the “A database” tab and then on the Pubmed INSHS icon. You will be directed to the Pubmed site and the BibCnrs INSHS icon will be displayed if the item is covered by a subscription.


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