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How should I search for an article?

Click on the “An Article” tab and enter the term(s) included in the title of the article or book chapter you wish to find. A search is then run on the repository of journal articles and book chapters made up of several hundred million bibliographic references. The data comes from publishers and content providers and this metadata repository is perpetually evolving with new content added daily.

If you are a rights holder for more than one discipline, please first select the discipline in which you wish to run your search.

You can refine your search using the following fields: Author, Exact Author, Title, Subject, Abstract, ISSN and ISBN

The “Full text” option is the default setting so the search tool will find documents in this format. This option can be unchecked to run a wider search.

To refine the search results, please use the filters available – peer reviewed, source type, keyword, publication title, language, publisher and content provider – then click on “Apply your filters “.

To access the detailed record for a document reference, please click on the title.

When a full text version is available, information on access is displayed such as full text database and direct access to on the publisher’s website as is the format (PDF, HTML).

If you cannot find the article you require but know which journal it was published in, we invite you to search directly using the name of the journal to access the publisher’s website. Click on “A journal, a book”, select your discipline and then run your search.

Learn about searching for articles with our tutorial: click here – duration = 3 minutes 20.

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